domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018



Your appearance speaks of you, then makesure you project a high level, says David Navarro; Know what clothes you should wear and what colors to use to convey authority, explains the expert.
A good image opens many doors and creates new opportunities.
The greater the image, the greater the power of influence.

1) Your appearance and dress must support your position.

If you exercise a position of authority and leadership, your image should support your capacity, knowledge and experience. They are useless many years of study and preparation but the projections. Your image should make the path easier, not become an obstacle.

 2) Learn to dress according to your body type.

Recognize the shape of your body is crucial to project a high level image. Only in that way can you know what cut of clothes favors you. For example, a two-button suit will look better on a thin, short-waisted man, while a three-button suit will be better for a short man.

A dress shirt with an Italian collar is better for a man with a long face. A diagonal striped tie helps to widen the torso of a thin man. A tight tie knot will look better on a man with a round face. Trousers with Valencian will be recommended for a tall man.

As you will notice there are secrets in the male dress, not to mention the rules of style and elegance.

3) Identify the colors that best suit your skin tone.

Some men know the meaning of colors, that is, the psychology of color. But in terms of male personal image knowing that meaning is not enough. Colorimetry comes into play, that is, the harmony of the colors used near the face with the tone of our hair, eyes and skin. When I discuss this topic in my men's image seminars I always tell them about the importance of color.
 "Every man who learns and masters the subject of color in his clothing will be distinguished from any other, projecting the message he wants, and looking more capable and confident."

They are surprised when I show that color in the male image is more important than in women, because men do not use makeup or dye their hair (with some exceptions). We only have the color of the clothes to achieve a healthy, aesthetic, harmonious and attractive appearance.

The eye delights in observing chromatic harmony. This explains why certain combinations make you look better than others, and not everyone looks the same. Thus, an olive green color will not look so good on a man with very dark skin and dark brown eyes, than on a dark-skinned man with green eyes. The secret is in harmony.

A tip: The color you use under your face should NEVER be noticed before your face. If this happens, then the color you are using is not harmonious with your color characteristics in eyes, skin and hair.

4) Know the communication codes in clothing to project authority and accessibility.

Clothing is itself a non-verbal communication code. By the dress of a man we know what profession he has, his hierarchy in the company (operative, middle management, managerial), his educational, social and economic level.
 At this point I want to be very clear, because it has nothing to do with the price of clothes. For example, a code of authority in men's clothing is the use of cufflinks (which should not be strictly an expensive brand), the important thing is that they communicate power and authority.

Smooth colors project more power than garments with patterns such as stripes or squares, which communicate accessibility. Thin fabrics are more elegant. A dress shirt without bags projects more authority.

Very few men know the nonverbal meaning of clothing. Know these codes and you will be able to project an authoritative or accessible image according to your event or your objective.

 5) Avoid the mistakes of image more committed by men.

Knowing the rules of good dress is part of your culture and education. You and I know very well that male professional success encompasses many more factors than just your appearance and dress, but if you take care of them, you will go further and in less time to the top in the business world.

Some of the most common mistakes made by men:

a) Wear shoes without polishing, worn or dirty.

b) Use the wrong size on the clothes.

c) Use jewelry. The only jewel allowed is the wedding ring. The watch does not fall into this category. It is an accessory.

d) Carry the cell phone in the belt.

e) Keep the pen in the shirt pocket. Between many more...

6) Never forget the professional environment in which you develop and the position you exercise.

You are the image of the company where you work, your appearance, your logo. Many men believe that they should always wear suits and ties, which is a mistake. Everything depends on 3 factors:

a) The company where you work: your industry and products that you offer.

b) The type of clients.

c) Your position.

Thinking about a suit and tie to make the best impression is not always true. An executive who works in a company dedicated to the manufacture of automotive machinery that has as indirect customers to mechanical engineers of medium profile, would make a mistake if he wore a suit and tie.
 Your customers do not dress like that. The suit, dress shirt and tie communicate a code of authority and power, instead of accessibility. He will have created a barrier through his clothing.

On the other hand, an executive who works in an insurance company, with high profile clients who usually wear a formal dress, if he decides to visit them dressed in a shirt without a tie and jeans, will also be a mistake. His clothing is not appropriate for an executive who must project security and professionalism to his clients.

Now you understand why, even if it's fashionable not to wear a tie, does not it always suit you? If you wear formal or casual, in both cases you should project professionalism.

7) Your personal hygiene must be impeccable.

A respectable business man always takes care of his personal hygiene, regardless of whether in his appointments he will deal with more men. Many believe that hygiene is only important when you have a love appointment. Neatness is welcome in the business world, and includes your hairstyle, skin health, aroma, breath, cut hands and nails, etc.

 A high level image drives your success. Know and apply these 7 maxims of the male image and you will distinguish yourself from others easily projecting a reliable, secure and powerful image.

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