sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

The amazing benefits of exercising at night.

The amazing benefits of exercising at night.

At the age of 23, I was a young man who used to party near the nightclubs.

I did not wear shoes, trousers and jacket, but my best sneakers, and comfortable clothes for exercise. That's right, I was one of those poor devils you saw through the glass of the gym sweating while you went to the bar with friends. Possibly people felt sorry for me, but the truth is that I do not care. The benefits of that routine are noticed by themselves.

And you wonder, what about the studies that say that exercising at night is bad? You may have heard something that night training can cause insomnia.
Television can seem much more tempting than going for a run. But I support the idea that if you organize your routine and enjoy it, you can have a better time than with one of the best episodes of True Detective. To encourage you to try, I'm going to discuss the eleven benefits of exercising at night that you did not know. Yes, they are eleven.

You will not have to deal with the crowd in the gym: At mid-afternoon the gym is full of people and you can not even take a cardio machine, the weights that touch you or, simply put you where you usually exercise.

You can use the machines as much as you want: When the gym is full and you are up on the treadmill, you feel like everyone looks at you, like you have to use the machine for a few minutes and change. In these hours there will not be that problem.

Man alone in the gym

A particular class is always better: You can improve many more aspects of your exercise technique in any fitness discipline, since the class will practically be for you alone.

You will work harder: A study affirmed that muscular work and strength peaks are achieved during night hours.

The loneliness of the night: You can experience the nightlife in a gym or on the street. It's a nice feeling as long as you do it in a well-known place. You will feel freer

You will be more social: As at this time there will be only a few people exercising, you can engage in quieter conversations with some users, being able to comment on what happened during the day. In the morning we do not usually be very talkative.

You will be able to deal with your problems: The clashes with your boss, with your teacher or with the family will be seen from a more positive perspective at night while you exercise.

Tilted rowing with dumbbell

You will have awakening improvements: If we are used to exercising after waking up, we will have the clock on top at all times (prepare the gym bag, go to the place, take a shower, have breakfast and already 'to the cut'). Doing it at night we will have more time in the morning.

De-stressing: Not all workouts will make you sweat like a chicken. A night class of Yoga can be exactly what you need to get home without that stress of the day.

You will be better served: In a crowded gymnasium it is not possible to take advantage of the wisdom of the monitors, the coaches and all the staff that works there. At night you can ask everything you want because they will be there for you.

You will sleep better: Some studies have found that exercising close to bedtime can make it harder for us to sleep. But another study says that people who perform strength training at night, get higher quality sleep and sleep more than people who exercise in the morning.

There are eleven benefits that you can notice if you train at night. Whether in a gym (more complicated for not having many open until late at night) or on the street (I recommend you go with someone), you will feel really different.

 You can follow some tips so that your workouts are efficient, be well hydrated at all times and control the technique of each exercise as we have told you more than once. Get ready to change the schedule, you will see the results soon.

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