lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Good Economy

How to acquire good emotional health

The power to live healthy and happy

Achieving good emotional health is one of the keys to happiness. Happiness is related to a good quality of life and a state of general health, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

According to a survey conducted by Ipsos Global happiness in November 2011, 74% of people in Latin America are happy. The survey studied 18,687 adults from 24 countries and carried out in November 2011.

Also keep in mind that Latin America registered an increase in the number of very happy people, with a third of respondents saying no (32%), followed by North America (27%), Asia-Pacific (24%), Middle East and Africa (24%). Only 15% of Europeans say they feel very happy.

According to John Wright, Vice President of Ipsos Global, "for reasons that people are happy they should be carefully considered." It is not just a matter of economic welfare. It's a series of other factors that make them what they are today. "

Benefits for emotional health

Promotes inner peace and positive thoughts

Stimulates physical care and holistic health

Facilitates stress management

Helps build and maintain strong and long-term relationships

It helps to be better prepared to handle adversity.

Happiness and its relationship with emotional health

In another study conducted in 2007 by IPSOS and BMC innovation company for Latin America, determined that there is a great connection between happiness and the attitude of dealing with emotional health. The study revealed that 8 out of 10 people who are very happy that they are dealing with their emotional health to a greater or lesser degree, while 7 out of 10 people do not feel happy about taking care of their emotional health.

According to Dr. Germán Retana, a sociologist, consultant and professor at the Central American Institute of Business Administration (INCAE), "people who achieve good emotional health have improved the management of your emotions and your behavior". "They are better prepared to handle adversity, build solid relationships and generate a productive and satisfying life."

According to Retana, emotional health can be exercised after some recommendations:

How to exercise your emotional health?

Start the day with a deep reflection on your value as a person, family member or manager of a company. Evaluate your quality and see the three most important things you have to do that day because they add value to clients, family or community. When getting out of bed, the best thing is "programming" for a good day.

There are eight key areas in which you can work: physical health, family, professional services, leisure, economic stability, emotional state, religion and spirituality. Take all day to improve in these areas.

Defining the rules are not negotiable: "nobody will steal that my serenity now", "never let me take everything too seriously", "no matter what happens, everything will happen".

Serenity in the face of adversity, which is part of the road.

Practice moments of silence several times a day and think: what am I doing right and what is not, learning about myself?

Beyond work situations to reduce your anxiety and plan as much as possible, to reduce anxiety. So it can be dedicated 100% to the present.

Improve the quality of your essential relationships, remember that quality of life depends to a large extent on the quality of relationships.

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