miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

10 Tips for a good beach vacation

10 Tips for a good beach vacation
We present a list of everything you need to spend great days in the sun.

10 umbrellas and deckchairs
01 swimsuit
02 Sunblock
03 sunglasses
04 Towels
05 comfortable shoes
06 games
07 hats or handkerchiefs
08 Spare clothing
09 Disconnection
10 umbrellas and deckchairs
01 swimsuit

Arming the suitcase is a bad head, especially for women. People want to take everything for fear of unexpected events during their trip. Most of them are more than disastrous, which makes a trip of inconveniences a disadvantage and in many cases the consequences of paying excess baggage. We give you the best advice to take everything you need to the beach at no additional cost.

1 swimsuit Indispensable for the beach and above for a small place that we put in several without feeling guilty.

2 Sunblock. Although you would like to get a Caribbean tan, the former chose the oriental skin care and if you have to sunbathe you must spend many hours, it is essential to have a good protection of a factor higher than 30 to avoid burns. .

3 sunglasses As a leader, if you want to sunbathe and enjoy the sea without the UV damage caused by your eyes, you should indicate that they are purchased in licensed optics.

4 Although hotel napkins or spas for many users offer a generally useful item at any time, only when it is dried by water or left to use when tanning or covering it. in the sand, stay.

5 comfortable clothes. Use rubber clips in the area of ​​the hot sand walker OR in the rocky walker. If you choose baskets, try to be as cool as possible to avoid sweaty feet.

6. Entertainment. When the plans are yours at the beach, it is highly recommended to choose to bring some do not have fun and things every day. If they go in groups, they can choose cards, balls or a board game that does not have many pieces. The best company for the loneliest are books and a music player. They are a great alternative for the nude climate facing the sea.

7 Another hat, plus the sun Choose for us without protecting the lost style, these are scarves and hats. You have a thousand options that adapt to your appearance and avoid possible sunburn.

8 Replacement. The good thing about summer clothes is little space. For this reason, when assembling the beach bag, be sure to wear shorts on the top of the hat where the day gets wet.

9 Disconnect. The idea of ​​a holiday and east of it will stop the remains of the house, if you can, leave everything as an electronic item or notebooks, which will connect you and make the daily routine the main forget about the objective trip.

10 Welfare. The place where you go and the sunny hours you spend, it is very useful to have an umbrella to take your own and for a moment to take the sun for you, the insurer is a nice place to walk around Dañs.

Are you already planning your next vacation?

martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

The Holy Land

The Holy Land is the geographical territory

that includes all the sites in which biblical
 scenes were developed in both the Old and

New Testaments. The concept has an evolution evidenced in the Scriptures themselves. For some biblical sources it is confined to the Promised Land, a term that has different interpretations; for others it refers to all the territories in which some biblical scenes were developed.

Name Edit
The name Holy Land is related to a historical and religious fact of sacredness of the earth according to the Judeo-Christian concept. The "Earth" becomes "holy" when it enters into the divine plan of salvation, in the same way that it is spoken of "holy men / women" and "holy places". In such a case, holiness has its origin not in the "object or subject", but in the divinity.

History Edit
The history of the Holy Land aims to satisfy spiritual needs, fortify beliefs (gives an idea of ​​the Hebrew people and summarizes the life and preaching of Jesus Christ), and bases the Holy Places. [1] According to the definition of History as the Teaching of life, the history of the Holy Land is based exclusively on the religious teaching of religion and the Holy Places.
 Géographie Modifier
Terre Sainte est simultanément comprise comme tous les lieux où des scènes bibliques aussi bien le Tanakh (Ancien Testament) et le Nouveau Testament développé. Une telle définition crée une gamme assez large qui à son tour a différentes divisions. Dans ce cas, la Terre Sainte inclut les territoires à un degré moindre ou supérieur dans les pays modernes suivants:

Palestine, en particulier la Cisjordanie (Judée et Samarie).
L'actuel Israël.
L'Egypte, territoire du séjour du Peuple élu pour 400 ans et plus tard territoire de l'émergence du monachisme chrétien.
L'Irak, l'ancienne Chaldée, la terre natale d'Abraham et plus tard de nombreuses autres scènes bibliques.

Syrie, territoire de vieilles rivalités nationales contre Israël (les Assyriens), terre de refuge du prophète Elie dans Serapta, la conversion des terres de Paul de Tarse et abrite l'une des premières églises historiques: Eglise Syrie de l'Est.

La Turquie, la Grèce et la Crète; à savoir Grèce ou d'un territoire de l'ancienne civilisation grecque, qui abrite l'une des premières églises historiques: Antioche.
D'autres territoires, dans une moindre mesure pourrait être considérée comme biblique, mais ils ont plus d'une relation, par extension, comme la péninsule italienne, centre fondamental de l'Empire romain et où selon la tradition, les apôtres Pierre et Paul sont morts, martyrisé les premiers chrétiens et d'innombrables juifs et il y a eu l'émergence de Pères éminents de l'Église et du Rabbinisme. Mais le territoire italien appartient plus au développement des deux religions sœurs de notre époque, que les histoires bibliques eux-mêmes et donc pas strictement entrent dans la catégorie de la Terre Sainte.

Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower is open every day of the
year. The service times are as follows:

Elevator stairs
From June 15 to
September 1st 9:00 am to 0:45 pm
(1) 9:00 to 0:45
the other days from 9:30 to 23:45.
(3) 9.30am to 6.30pm
Last climb at midnight (at 11:00 pm to the upper floor).
Last access at midnight.
Last climb at 23.00. (to the upper floor 22:00, although this schedule can be expected, depending on the number of visitors)
Last access at 18.00.

Keep in mind that timetables can be

changed depending on the number of

visitors and the weather conditions.

What can you expect?
Eiffel Tower and the most famous monument in Paris with a local and passionate guide during this interesting 90-minute visit. Your entrance includes access to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower and access to the top of the tower, from where you can enjoy views of the Paris skyline from a height of 325 meters above the city.
Meet your local guide to the Eiffel Tower to enjoy the most famous tower in Paris. Afterwards, your tour guide leads you directly to the second floor and avoids the queues on the ground floor.

On the second floor you will hear anecdotes about the Eiffel Tower and its unique history. So you can learn more about the city of light and the most outstanding places from the heights, including Notre Dame, the Louvre Museum, the Arc de Triomphe and the Invalides.

Explore the Eiffel Tower on your own and climb the summit in a second elevator, from which you can expect even more breathtaking views. Enjoy a glass of champagne from the champagne bar and admire the sparkling Paris at your feet.

If you go downstairs, you should stop on the
first floor to walk through the new glass

 floor at a staggering 200 meters.

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Good Economy

How to acquire good emotional health

The power to live healthy and happy

Achieving good emotional health is one of the keys to happiness. Happiness is related to a good quality of life and a state of general health, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

According to a survey conducted by Ipsos Global happiness in November 2011, 74% of people in Latin America are happy. The survey studied 18,687 adults from 24 countries and carried out in November 2011.

Also keep in mind that Latin America registered an increase in the number of very happy people, with a third of respondents saying no (32%), followed by North America (27%), Asia-Pacific (24%), Middle East and Africa (24%). Only 15% of Europeans say they feel very happy.

According to John Wright, Vice President of Ipsos Global, "for reasons that people are happy they should be carefully considered." It is not just a matter of economic welfare. It's a series of other factors that make them what they are today. "

Benefits for emotional health

Promotes inner peace and positive thoughts

Stimulates physical care and holistic health

Facilitates stress management

Helps build and maintain strong and long-term relationships

It helps to be better prepared to handle adversity.

Happiness and its relationship with emotional health

In another study conducted in 2007 by IPSOS and BMC innovation company for Latin America, determined that there is a great connection between happiness and the attitude of dealing with emotional health. The study revealed that 8 out of 10 people who are very happy that they are dealing with their emotional health to a greater or lesser degree, while 7 out of 10 people do not feel happy about taking care of their emotional health.

According to Dr. Germán Retana, a sociologist, consultant and professor at the Central American Institute of Business Administration (INCAE), "people who achieve good emotional health have improved the management of your emotions and your behavior". "They are better prepared to handle adversity, build solid relationships and generate a productive and satisfying life."

According to Retana, emotional health can be exercised after some recommendations:

How to exercise your emotional health?

Start the day with a deep reflection on your value as a person, family member or manager of a company. Evaluate your quality and see the three most important things you have to do that day because they add value to clients, family or community. When getting out of bed, the best thing is "programming" for a good day.

There are eight key areas in which you can work: physical health, family, professional services, leisure, economic stability, emotional state, religion and spirituality. Take all day to improve in these areas.

Defining the rules are not negotiable: "nobody will steal that my serenity now", "never let me take everything too seriously", "no matter what happens, everything will happen".

Serenity in the face of adversity, which is part of the road.

Practice moments of silence several times a day and think: what am I doing right and what is not, learning about myself?

Beyond work situations to reduce your anxiety and plan as much as possible, to reduce anxiety. So it can be dedicated 100% to the present.

Improve the quality of your essential relationships, remember that quality of life depends to a large extent on the quality of relationships.

domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018

The cinnamon.

The cinnamon.
It is a centenary species that comes from India. The main characteristic is its smell, which is attributed to relaxing properties and its use is in the cleaning and care of people industry.
Cinnamon is a rich source of magnesium, iron, calcium, fiber and vitamins C and B1. It is very effective to treat problems such as: diarrhea, indigestion, abdominal distension and, even, it is used as an immune stimulant. It also has expectorant properties and relieves respiratory symptoms and colds.

This spice has thermogenic properties, also helps to lose weight, by increasing fat burning. It also has antioxidants, preventing fats from oxidising and depositing in the arteries, which prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system. Taking this as an infusion helps control the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and also regulates the level of glucose in the blood.

Cinnamon improves digestion, eliminates flatulence and gas if it is frequently ingested. in this spice it has properties against inappetence, and stimulates the appetite. It works as a powerful anticoagulant, that is, normalize platelets from the normal blood levels.

 It is used to treat fungus in the feet or nails, ulcers in the mouth and vaginal infections.

 Cinnamon tea for health.
This spice has many qualities, which can be included in the daily diet but the way to consume it is an infusion. because haci retains all its properties without its active components being interfered with by other foods.

Cinnamon and diabetics.
A cup of cinnamon tea stabilizes blood glucose levels. for this reason its use is recommended in people with type two diabetes.

It has compound B1 cinnamtannin that stimulates insulin receptors and inhibits an enzyme that activates them. stimulating the increase in the body's ability to use glucose. In this case it is advisable to consume tea on an empty stomach and after meals.

Reduces cholesterol levels.
It has been proven that cinnamon tea reduces the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. In this way, it prevents the formation of thrombi and atheromas, which prevent the correct circulation of blood.

Against the common cold.
This tea is one of the best at the arrival of colds, through time the tea works as flu medicine cinnamon has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, decreases fever, reduces cough and has a rich flavor. Also, it has been shown to be effective in relieving headache and migraine.

Do not use too much cinnamon.
 This spice has coumarin which is a toxic compound that can be found in cinnamon, it is known to cause damage to the liver and kidneys. It is advisable to avoid excessive consumption of cinnamon.
Contradictions for pregnant and lactating women.
During pregnancy it is essential to avoid the consumption of cinnamon, as it stimulates blood flow and causes the uterus to contract. This is harmful in pregnancy. Similarly, nursing mothers should also avoid cinnamon tea.

Physical Health.

What is physical health:
Physical health consists of the well-being of the body and the optimal functioning of the organism of individuals, that is, it is a general condition of people who are physical, mental, emotional and without illness.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as that state of well-being that goes beyond not suffering disease and also includes physical, mental and social well-being.

When people are in optimal physical condition, they can perform various activities, promote wellness, and develop or develop skills for their overall health.

Physical health also refers to analyzes or studies relating to food and nutrition, diseases or conditions that may exist and those that can be prevented, physical activity, and even refers to education on how to maintain a healthy state of life.

When an individual is in good health, his body is solid and has no disease, so his mental and emotional health is also in good condition.

However, physical health can be influenced in different ways, depending on the lifestyle of each individual, the environment in which he lives or works, depending on the genetics he has and even on the medical advice he receives.

There are many cases in which, although people try to lead a healthy life, they do not achieve this in one way or another, and this can be largely related to the environment in which they develop and to diseases or conditions that are inherited throughout the family.

See also the meaning of health.

How to get physical health
Maintaining a stable state of health is one of the responsibilities that every person has with himself and can be achieved easily and through perseverance.

Take a healthy and balanced diet.
Maintaining personal hygiene should be a daily activity.
Sleep the hours recommended by doctors.
Have time for exercises, at least three times a week.
Schedule regular medical appointments to conduct general examinations and prevent or detect potential illnesses.
In order to have a harmonious lifestyle, that is, not to let oneself be carried away by the impulses of discomfort, anxiety or fear, one must, before acting impulsively, find the mental and sentimental balance.
Mental and emotional health
Physical health is related to the mental and emotional states of each individual. Therefore, it is often said that body and mind are related to each other. Having a good physical condition will also give you healthy mental and emotional health and vice versa.

Mental and emotional health lies in the balance that a person has with the environment, interpersonal relationships, communicative and expressive skills, applied problem-solving methods, among others.

Mental and emotional health must be consistent with physical health, because, to a large extent, the fact that a person feels good and demonstrates it is tantamount to being aware that he or she is in good health and in good health A case of coping or a health problem Positive thinking and optimism are incredibly helpful to physical condition.

Creativity, spontaneity, discipline, self-esteem and personal safety depend on a percentage of each individual's mental and emotional state. As long as the person's mental and sentimental state is stable and balanced, their performance in the activities of daily life will be better.

See also the meaning of mental health.

social Health
Social health refers to the ability of individuals to live in accordance with their physical health and mental health. That is, social health indicates how people can meet their physical and psychological needs through the circumstances that each one interacts with.

On the other hand, through social health you can know what people's relationship to their environment is and how they carry out their daily activities, which can serve as an indicator of the general well-being of people and even societies.

viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

Tips to relieve Stress.

Tips to relieve Stress.
You do not need a weekend of retreat or massage to eliminate all of your stress. Relieving stress may take less time than you think.

Follow these five tips to relieve stress vows to get a relaxing life that you deserved.

1. Meditate

To help relieve anxiety, a few minutes of meditation practice per day can be obtained from it. The research recommends that daily meditation can change the neural pathways of the brain that make stress more flexible.

How to do meditation? It is simple. Just sit with your back straight, chest out with both feet on the floor. Close your eyes and focus your attention on reciting "I love you" or "I feel at peace". Put your one hand on your belly to synchronize the anthem with your breaths. It allows no disturbing thoughts to float like clouds.

2. breathe deeply

Have a rest and concentrate on your breathing. Sit with your back straight, close your eyes with one hand on your belly. Slowly inhale through your nose, breathing begins in the abdomen and make its way to the top of your head. Reverse the procedure as you breathe out through your mouth.

Deep breathing counteracts the results of stress by lowering blood pressure and reducing heart rate.

3. Be present

Reduce speed and take one action at a time. Focus only one behavior with consciousness. Watch and feel how your feet feel hit the ground and how the air feels on your face when you are walking. Savor the taste and texture of every bite of food you take. When you use your time in the instant and focus on your senses, you may feel less tense.

4. Reach out

One of your best agents to manage stress is your social networks. Talk to other people, if possible, face to face or even by phone. Share what is happening with your life. You can get a new perspective by keeping the connection with others healthy.

5. Tune in your body

Mentally check your body to get an idea of ​​how stress affects each day. Sit with your feet on the floor or lie on your back. Start at your toes and work up your scalp, noticing how your body feels.

Just be aware that places feel tight or loose without trying to change anything. For 1 or 2 minutes, image out of each deep breath that flows to your body. Repeat this procedure as the focus moves on your tea.

Benefits of carrots 1. Optimizes vision The understanding of the western culture of carrots is "good for your eyes". Carrots ...